Rotarian of the Month: Greg Dzielinksi

Greg Dzielinski, Fair Lawn Sunrise Rotary’s Member of the Month for
December, joined Rotary in 2019 and is currently serving as the Club’s Sgt.
in Arms.
Greg was born and raised in Connecticut. A Financial Advisor for Allied
Wealth Partners, he has lived in Ramsey for 20 years with his wife, Heather,
his son, Henry and their hound dog, Jungle.
Says Greg: “I’ve always enjoyed giving back to the local community and
charities. I am a hands on person, who likes to get his hands dirty. After
looking at other organizations, Rotary International is a place where I know
I can add value. A “sunrise” Rotary is also a great fit since I am a
morning person and enjoy a good breakfast. After looking into other clubs
in the area, Fair Lawn Sunrise Rotary is the most welcoming, fun, energetic
and dynamic club around. It is the perfect fit!”